
Young and Old Comparison Young and Old Comparison Funny

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Psychol Crumbling. Writer manuscript; available in PMC 2015 Sep 1.

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PMCID: PMC4176891


Age-Related Differences in Judgments of Inappropriate Beliefs are Related to Sense of humour Fashion Preferences

Jennifer Tehan Stanley

Department of Psychology at the University of Akron

Monika Lohani

Section of Psychology at Brandeis University

Derek K. Isaacowitz

Department of Psychology at Northeastern University


Identifying social gaffes is important for maintaining relationships. Older adults are less able than immature to discriminate between socially appropriate and inappropriate behavior in video clips. One open question is how these social appropriateness ratings relate to potential age differences in the perception of what is actually funny or not. In the present study, young, heart-anile, and older adults were every bit able to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate social behavior in a diverse set of clips relevant to both historic period groups. Yet, young and middle-anile adults rated the gaffe clips equally funnier than control clips and immature adults smiled more during the inappropriate clips than the control clips. Older adults did not prove this design, suggesting that they did not detect the inappropriate clips funny. Additionally, immature adults endorsed a more aggressive humor mode than eye-anile and older adults and aggressive humor style endorsement mediated age differences in social appropriateness ratings. Results are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms such as cohort differences in humor and developmental prioritization of certain humor styles, as well as the importance of investigating historic period differences in both abilities and preferences.

Keywords: age differences, humor, social gaffe, imitation pas, social cognition

A social gaffe or faux pas is when someone says something that the listener does not want to hear (Baron-Cohen, O'Riordan, Stone, Jones, & Plaisted, 1999). Accidentally alluding to an upcoming surprise party in earshot of the guest of award is a social gaffe (Stone, Baron-Cohen, & Knight, 1998). Recognizing social gaffes requires both cognitive and emotional resources (Stone et al., 1998). To understand that a social gaffe has occurred in the case of a person accidentally insulting someone, one must realize that the speaker did not know they should non say what they said and that the person hearing it is injure or offended. For example, in a scene from the situation-comedy The Office, the main character scoffs when an overweight colleague wants to be a cheerleader.

Social gaffes can impairment relationships, so it is important for an private to realize when he or she has committed a social gaffe in club to brand apology (Halberstadt, Ruffman, Murray, Taumoepeau, & Ryan, 2011). A recent study found the older adults were less able than young adults to discriminate socially advisable from inappropriate behavior depicted in clips from the British situation one-act, The Part (Halberstadt et al., 2011). This finding has serious implications for the social well-existence of older adults: a lack of the ability to notice a social gaffe could be detrimental for social relationships. Importantly, the study also found that age differences in an emotion recognition chore (i.e., accurately identifying facial expressions of emotion as anger, fright, joy, etc.), accounted for age differences in appropriateness ratings for the behavior of characters committing social gaffes (Halberstadt et al., 2011). Thus, an age-related reduction in an power – the power to recognize facial expressions of emotion – accounted for much of the age-related differences in the ratings of social gaffes. Older adults take also performed worse than young adults at agreement faux pas in written scenarios (Wang & Su, 2006). However, MacPherson and colleagues (MacPherson, Phillips, & Della Sala, 2002) examined young, eye-anile, and older adult performance on a written faux pas chore and establish age equivalence. These discrepant findings could be due to differences across studies in the false pas tasks.

Age deficits in the detection of social gaffes are consistent with research showing age deficits in similar "mentalizing" tasks, where it is necessary to accept the perspective of some other. For example, older adults typically perform worse than young adults on tasks of theory of mind (TOM; Henry, Phillips, Ruffman, & Bailey, 2013), or the agreement that others' mental states are unlike from 1's own (Stone, Baron-Cohen, & Knight, 1998). TOM relies upon executive functioning such as updating, shifting, and inhibiting information (Aboulafia-Brakha, Christe, Martory, & Annoni, 2011). Historic period-related deficits are typical in these types of executive operation tasks (Hasher, Zacks, & May, 1999; Rakoczy, Harder-Kasten, & Sturm, 2012; von Hippel, 2007), suggesting that older adults may be vulnerable to errors in TOM tasks due to reduced executive performance abilities. Clearly, theory of mind is a required component process for understanding that a social gaffe has occurred. Every bit reviewed thus far, the evidence points toward age-related reductions in abilities that are important for understanding that a social gaffe has occurred. From a cerebral aging perspective, at that place is ample evidence that older adults may take a reduced ability to empathize social gaffes, when compared to younger adults.

In the present report, we attempt to broaden this flick by taking a social cerebral perspective. Social cognition researchers examination whether calculation context and considering beliefs and motivation also contributes to age differences in performance or judgments. For instance, a recent study found that when motivation is experimentally increased by manipulating the relationship between the participant and the experimenter, historic period differences in faux pas recognition in written scenarios are eliminated (Zhang, Fung, Stanley, & Isaacowitz, 2013). In this case, older adults were able to perform as well as young adults if they were sufficiently motivated. In context-rich situations older adults may be able to compensate for decline in cognitive resource by relying on greater social expertise (Hess, 2006), or may be more than motivated to utilise deficient cognitive resources because they prioritize socioemotional goals (Carstensen, 2006). Given the of import implications of age differences in social gaffe detection, and some of the mixed findings in the literature, information technology is important to replicate the results of previous work in this area. We aimed to replicate and extend the work by Halberstadt and colleagues (2011) to explore whether age-related differences in sense of humour preferences too relate to judgments of social appropriateness for characters committing social gaffes in state of affairs-comedies.

The type of humor near prevalent in social gaffes depicted in situation-comedies is aggressive humor, or sense of humour at the expense of others (Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray, & Weir, 2003). If there are age differences in the appreciation of aggressive humor, so those age differences may influence how individuals of dissimilar age groups respond to social gaffe sense of humor. In the present written report, we were interested in the extent to which age differences in the appreciation of humor relate to judgments about social gaffes. Judgments of social acceptability of inappropriate behavior may be multiply determined: one constituent part is the comprehension that a social gaffe has occurred and another constituent role is that the humor intended by the inappropriate beliefs is appreciated. Existence able to observe a social gaffe is necessary but not sufficient for appreciation.

The degree to which an individual is offended past the humor really determines whether ratings of social acceptability (i.e., social gaffe detection) and funniness are related. Past work has shown that for individuals who are not offended by the joke textile, in that location is not a correlation between funniness ratings and social acceptability ratings. However, for individuals who are offended by the material, there is a significant relationship between funniness and social acceptability (Goel & Dolan, 2007). Thus, if older adults are more than probable than young adults to exist offended past aggressive humor portrayed in situation-comedies, then older adults' judgments of social acceptability would be tied to funniness ratings; but young adults' judgments of social acceptability would not. Indeed, inquiry from the broader social noesis literature suggests that when a person'south beliefs are violated, it tin influence their judgments. Historic period differences in beliefs accept also been shown to influence judgments. For case, in one study, age differences in blame attributions for the character responsible for a negative human relationship result (i.e., a break up) partially depended upon the type of behavior individuals held near appropriate behavior in social situations (Blanchard-Fields, Hertzog, & Horhota, 2012). Older adults were more likely than their younger counterparts to blame the grapheme who violated their more than traditional beliefs ( thousand., i should non live together before union).

Thus, the question becomes, what contributes to sense of humour comprehension and appreciation and do these factors differ with age? Studies on age differences in humor propose that age-related declines in noesis contribute to reduced humor comprehension (Mak & Carpenter, 2007), and that appreciation may depend upon having the necessary cognitive resources to cover the joke (Schaier & Cicirelli, 1976). Furthermore, in comparison to immature and middle-aged adults, older adults select fewer correct punch lines for jokes (Uekermann, Channon, & Daum, 2006). This highlights the importance of cognitive resource for sense of humor comprehension. However, even if comprehension is achieved, an under-researched question is whether in that location are age differences in the types of humor that are appreciated. Older adults report that having a sense of humor is an of import role of successful crumbling (Bowling & Dieppe, 2005). Individuals may adapt their sense of humor style preferences to lucifer their life stage. Consistent with this possibility, in an older adult sample, expressing and appreciating humor was related to positive social connections and adaptive coping with age-related losses (Damianakis & Marziali, 2011). Older adults in this study described using and enjoying affiliative, self-enhancing, self-defeating, and authentic humor styles, but did not tend to mention humor styles that could exist characterized every bit aggressive. Another study constitute that on a cocky-study humor style questionnaire, adolescents scored higher than a immature to middle-anile group on affiliative humor (apply of humour that is affirming to the self and others) and aggressive humor (a hostile apply of humor such as putting others downwardly; Martin et al., 2003). The present report will be the beginning to examine whether this trend continues into older adulthood, with increasing age being associated with lower endorsements of aggressive sense of humor styles.

In addition to examining the influence of private differences in humor style preferences, in the nowadays study we attempted to augment the paradigm further to include a various set of video clips depicting social gaffes. Consistent with a social cerebral perspective, nosotros chose video clips from television shows that appeal to young, eye-aged, and older adults by choosing television series from the 1980s (Mr. Edible bean, Golden Girls) and the 2000s (Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Role). Immature and heart-aged adults might bask the sense of humour created in the 2000s, while older adults might find the humor from the 1980s more appealing. Inquiry on impression formation and social attribution suggests that increasing the relevance of the character ofttimes reduces historic period differences in social judgments, purportedly because individuals are more motivated to exert precious cognitive resources when tasks are relevant to their current stage in life (Blanchard-Fields & Beatty, 2005; Hess, Rosenberg, & Waters, 2001).

It is clear from the differences betwixt comedies from the 1980s and comedies from the 2000s that age differences in humor appreciation for one-act shows could exist due to cohort differences. Popular styles of sense of humor modify across time, which means that today's older adults may not enjoy the aforementioned humor styles that are popular for today's immature adults. By including a broad range of comedy clips across two decades, we hope to capture age-relevant sense of humor for all three cohorts. A cohort explanation for different sense of humour preferences of immature, middle-aged, and older adults is consistent with the argument that historic period differences in social gaffe comprehension are influenced not solely by abilities, but by contextual factors as well.

It is also important to consider whether historic period differences in understanding social gaffes are rooted in social perception differences and are functionally adaptive or maladaptive, or whether they reflect age differences in preferences. 1 challenge of researching complex social interactions as seen in a video prune is that there is no objective "right answer" when assessing ratings of appropriate behavior (e.grand., is the behavior 10% appropriate or 20% advisable?). Studies on cognitive aging often contrast older adult performance against the "gilded standard" of young adult performance, using objective measures such as number of words recalled. Nevertheless, in gild to fully empathise age differences in social gaffe detection, where the upshot variables are subjective (i.e., rating behavior on a social appropriateness scale of 0–100%), a social cognition approach might be additionally useful. I of import cornerstone of a social knowledge arroyo is that social competence cannot be measured confronting a unmarried standard; rather social competence is divers as the private'southward ability to role inside their current environment (Blanchard-Fields & Hess, 1999). Following this line of thinking, in the present study we use three age groups equally comparison weather to examine historic period differences in judgments and explore possible person-level differences that might help explicate such age differences.

The Nowadays Study

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether humor manner preferences may be some other reason that age differences emerge in judgments of inappropriate behavior (in add-on to emotion recognition and cognitive abilities). Rather than assessing whether the judgments are correct or wrong, nosotros consider that humor way and judgments of appropriate beliefs may be adaptive for each life stage. We pilot-tested a wide set of social gaffe comedy video clips with immature and older adults to ensure that the diverse humor appealed to the different age groups but withal conspicuously depicted inappropriate and appropriate behavior to immature and older adults. We also investigated age-related differences in sense of humor manner preferences with four converging methods. First, self-report funniness ratings were collected for each clip. Second, the number of smiles during clip viewing coded from video recordings. Tertiary, for an online objective measure of emotional response, nosotros obtained facial electromyography (EMG) activity for the Zygomaticus major (smile) muscle during clip presentations. And fourth, participants completed an private divergence measure out of humor styles. Finally, in order to better understand the locus of age effects, we included a eye-anile group in addition to immature and older adults in the present study.

Pilot Study

To identify television clips depicting inappropriate and appropriate social behavior, we conducted a airplane pilot study with two different groups of immature and older adults. In total, 24 young adults (18–thirty years) and 11 older adults (lx–80 years) watched and rated 24 clips (12 inappropriate and 12 control), presented in i of four counterbalanced orders, that nosotros selected based on: 1) a clear delineation of inappropriate or appropriate social behavior by i of the chief characters, and 2) characters and situations relevant to a wide historic period range of adults. After viewing each clip, participants rated the appropriateness of the beliefs of the master character on a scale ranging from 0 = not at all socially appropriate to 100% = entirely socially appropriate. Average ratings for the 24 clips are presented in Table 1. Vii inappropriate clips were rated separately past the young and older adult groups equally less than 37% socially advisable and roughly equal past both young and older adult raters. These seven clips were selected every bit the inappropriate clips for the main study (Mr. Bean Double-decker Cease, Aureate Girls Pearl, The Role Michael Rude to Phyllis, Golden Girls Condom, Mr. Bean Checking In, Curb Your Enthusiasm (CYE) Tip Coordination, and CYE Stolen Ticket). See Appendix A for descriptions of clips. Conversely, seven control clips were rated greater than fifty% socially appropriate past the young and older adults groups, with roughly equivalent ratings, and were selected equally control clips in the main study (Mr. Edible bean Haircut, Gilt Girls Goodbye, Mike & Molly Hallway, Gilt Girls Dishes, Mr. Edible bean Morning, CYE State Gild, and CYE Fume Detector). The duration of clips ranged from approximately 30 seconds to 3.5 minutes.

Table ane

Pilot Information: Social Appropriateness Ratings

Inappropriate Clips Command Clips

YA Mean (SD) OA Mean (SD) YA Hateful (SD) OA Mean (SD)
Clips Selected

Mr. Bean Bus Terminatea 5.71 (7.32) nine.17 (4.92) Cheerioa 93.57 (ix.45) 90.83 (nine.17)
Golden Girls Pearlsb 20.00 (17.41) 28.00 (20.80) Molly Hallwaya 92.14 (half dozen.36) 79.17 (xiv.97)
Michael Rude to Phyllisb xvi.18 (17.ten) 12.00 (21.39) Gilded Girl Dishesa 64.29 (20.xc) 59.17 (12.01)
Gilt Girls Condomb 36.76 (30.05) 20.00 (thirteen.69) Mr. Edible bean Haircuta 70.00 (36.17) 55.83 (26.91)
Mr. Edible bean Checking Ina 7.86 (half-dozen.99) 12.50 (9.87) Mr. Bean Morna 55.71 (31.94) 50.00 (31.62)
Tip Coordinationb 29.12 (16.61) xx.00 (26.22) Country Social cluba 62.14 (22.lxx) 68.33 (18.35)
Stolen Ticketb 16.76 (15.90) 18.00 (21.39) Smoke Detectora 94.29 (4.50) 71.67 (16.63)

Clips Non Selected

Dance Scenea 67.14 (29.98) 75.83 (31.53) Mr. Bean Poola 34.29 (22.81) 52.l (35.46)
Mike & Molly Hata 47.86 (30.26) 27.50 (24.03) Mousea 57.14 (30.53) 52.50 (26.03)
Larry Talks to Himselfb 32.06 (21.00) 42.00 (16.81) The Office Jima 60.00 (22.91) 37.fifty (24.03)
Gilt Girls Cupcakesb 52.06 (25.44) 56.00 (14.75) Mr. Bean Exama 32.14 (24.81) 36.67 (26.58)
Michael Bashes Dwightb 23.53 (19.02) 6.00 (8.22) Investigationa 65.00 (30.41) 37.50 (26.41)

Another group of nine participants (3 male, 6 female; ages twenty–38 years) rated the 14 selected clips on the four styles of humor. After reading the definition and examples of each humor way (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, self-defeating) participants rated each of the xiv clips (presented in a random counterbalanced lodge) on the degree to which the intended humor was consistent with the four humor styles on a Likert-type calibration from 1 (not at all this type of humour) to 7 (very much this type of sense of humour). Every bit can be seen in Table 2, the inappropriate clips were rated higher on aggressive and self-defeating humor styles, while the control clips were rated higher on affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles.

Table ii

Means and Standard Deviations of Sense of humor Style Ratings for Inappropriate and Control Clips

Affiliative Self-Enhancing Ambitious Self-Defeating
Inappropriate Clips

Mr. Bean Motorcoach Stop 1.89 (1.97) 1.89 (1.69) 4.56 (2.19) iv.22 (2.28)
Golden Girls Pearls ane.89 (i.05) 1.89 (0.93) half dozen.11 (1.69) 1.89 (1.45)
Michael Rude to Phyllis 1.56 (1.01) i.56 (0.73) 5.67 (one.50) 1.xi (0.33)
Golden Girls Condom iii.00 (2.00) 1.89 (0.93) five.56 (1.94) 1.22 (0.44)
Mr. Edible bean Checking In 2.44 (2.30) 3.56 (2.46) iii.89 (2.15) three.56 (2.35)
Tip Coordination 2.33 (1.58) 2.78 (i.79) 4.67 (2.00) 3.56 (2.01)
Stolen Ticket 1.33 (1.00) 1.56 (one.13) 4.56 (2.19) two.44 (2.xiii)

Control Clips

Goodbye 4.44 (ane.94) 4.33 (2.50) i.00 (0.00) one.22 (0.67)
Molly Hallway 4.44 (2.nineteen) i.67 (1.00) 1.11 (0.33) two.11 (1.97)
Golden Daughter Dishes 4.38 (one.77) 3.63 (2.26) ii.63 (one.77) ii.00 (1.77)
Mr. Edible bean Haircut two.56 (2.01) ii.33 (2.18) 1.00 (0.00) 3.78 (2.22)
Mr. Bean Morning time 2.22 (i.86) iii.44 (two.13) 1.00 (0.00) 4.56 (2.24)
State Club 5.56 (1.24) 3.67 (2.24) 2.44 (two.13) 2.44 (1.51)
Smoke Detector two.78 (2.39) 1.78 (1.56) ane.00 (0.00) 2.89 (1.62)

Main Study Hypotheses

Nosotros had iv hypotheses. First, because nosotros broadened the set of clips used we did not expect an age group by clip type interaction for the social appropriateness ratings. That is, we did not expect older adults to differ from young or eye-anile adults at differentiating between the appropriate and inappropriate clips. 2d, we expected immature and middle-anile adults, just not older adults, to notice the inappropriate clips funnier than the control clips, equally exhibited past a) funniness ratings, b) number of smiles, and c) Zygomaticus major (smile) musculus activeness (i.e., social gaffe appreciation). Third, consequent with reported humor styles in an older developed sample (Damianakis & Marziali, 2011) and historic period-related decreases in preferences for aggressive humor styles (Martin et al., 2003), we expected older adults would report more than affiliative, self-enhancing, and self-defeating sense of humour styles and less aggressive humour styles than young and middle-aged adults on the Humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin et al., 2003). Fourth, we expected social ceremoniousness ratings to be associated with individual differences in humour style.

Although fiddling work has examined middle-aged adults' social judgments, we expected that where age differences emerged, middle-anile adults would be more similar to young adults in social appropriateness ratings, funniness ratings, EMG activeness, and sense of humour style preferences because the aspects of humor that may be adaptive for older adults seem unique to the late adulthood stage where humor can help individuals cope with the losses that accompany sometime age.



Thirty immature adults (17–21 years; lxx% female), 22 middle-aged adults (35–56 years; 36% female), and 29 older adults (64–84 years; 66% female person) participated in this study 1 . Young adults were undergraduate students recruited from an introductory psychology course. Middle-aged adults and community-dwelling older adults were recruited from advertisements and a life-long learning class. Participants received either form credit or a budgetary stipend. The sample was primarily White (79%) or Blackness (xiii%). Older adults were screened for dementia with the Mini-Mental State Examination (Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975); all scores were greater than 26 (1000 = 29.29, SD = .85). Sample characteristics for demographic, cognitive, and affective variables are displayed in Tabular array three.

Table 3

Means, (SDs), and ANOVAs for Historic period Differences in Demographic, Cognitive, and Melancholia Variables

Variable YA MA OA F df (effect, fault) p η p 2 Sig Diff
Health 3.68 (.90) iii.82 (.80) 3.78 (.97) .15 (2, 71) .861 .95 ns
Pedagogy 12.64 (.64) xiv.18 (two.30) 16.19 (2.35) 22.03 (two, 71) .000 .38 .38 YA < MA < OA

Digit Forrard 8.ten (.92) --- 7.86 (1.18) .77 (1, 56) .384 .01 ns
Digit Backward 6.27 (1.28) --- 5.75 (1.55) ane.91 (1, 56) .172 .03 ns
Vocabulary 13.43 (i.55) --- 15.25 (two.98) viii.67 (one, 56) .005 .13 YA < OA

15.12 (vii.09) 9.05 (nine.24) 6.59 (six.fifty) 8.54 (two, 71) .000 .19 YA > MA, OA
LOT Total 4.44 (5.45) half-dozen.27 (5.95) six.56 (iv.21) 1.23 (ii, 71) .298 .03 ns
Neuroticism fifteen.68 (2.46) 13.68 (2.88) 13.eleven(2.19) 7.38 (ii, 71) .001 .17 YA > MA, OA

Procedure and Measures

Behavior Ratings

The xiv clips were presented in one of 4 orders counterbalanced across participants. Prior to each clip, participants saw a movie of the principal grapheme and were informed that they would be rating the beliefs of the main grapheme. Following each clip, participants rated the social appropriateness of the chief character'south behavior (0 = not at all socially advisable; 100% = entirely socially appropriate) and the funniness of the clip (0 = not at all funny; 100% = extremely funny).

Think Aloud Protocol

After rating each prune, young and older adult participants were asked to depict what had happened and were probed with two questions: What did the main character practise and say? How did other people respond to the main character'southward beliefs? Responses were recorded with a video camera and later transcribed. Ii independent coders bullheaded to participant age and gender coded the transcripts. A data-driven arroyo was used to establish the coding scheme based on typical responses. The coding scheme for each clip can exist found in Appendix B. Coders first coded for specific content in each of the thought-listing transcriptions then used those codes to form two general impressions: whether the participant understood the clip (0 = no, ane = yes) and whether the participant mentioned the behavior was inappropriate (0 = no, 1 = yes). We then computed the proportion of clips that a participant one) mentioned was inappropriate, and, ii) understood, (out of seven) separately for the two clip types. Lx-ix per centum of the thought-list data was coded by both coders independently. Inter-rater agreement was over 85% on these clips. When the two coders disagreed, they resolved discrepancies past arguing viewpoints and watching the videos once more together, yielding a final agreed-upon code for each clip.


Young and older developed participants' faces were recorded with a video camera while they were watching the clips. Two independent coders, blind to prune type, coded 89 percent of the videos for the number of smiles, with inter-rater reliability greater than 85%. To be coded as a smile, there had to be an upturn of the corners of the lips plus a wrinkling of the crow's feet at the corners of the optics, or a pushing up of the cheeks (i.e., a Duchenne smile). Discrepancies were resolved past arguing viewpoints until a final decision was reached for each category. Number of smiles was categorized into v bins: ane = 0 smiles, 2 = 1–three smiles, 3 = iv–6 smiles, 4 = seven–10 smiles, 5 = eleven–15 smiles. The remaining 11% of the videos were coded by a single coder.

Facial Electromyography

Nosotros used facial electromyography (EMG; using guidelines past Fridlund & Cacioppo, 1986) to measure out participants' smile muscle action – even action that was not overtly visible – during clip viewing. Given that pleasant stimuli elicit greater EMG activity over Zygomaticus major (i.e., cheek musculus; Larsen, Norris, & Cacioppo, 2003), nosotros measured activity of the Zygomaticus major muscle. The pare was cleaned with isopropyl booze and pre-gelled silver/argent chloride disposable electrodes were placed in a bipolar configuration over the left Zygomaticus major musculus according to standardized placement guidelines (Fridlund & Cacioppo, 1986). Two channels of a MEDAC System/3 with NeuGraph 4.6 software (Neurodyne Medical Corp., Cambridge, MA) sampled at 500 Hz. This system immune u.s. to synchronize EMG recording with the onset and beginning markers from the clips, yielding an average EMG value for each of the 14 clips. The EMG signal was band-pass filtered (25 to 425Hz) and RMS processed (common way rejection ratio 150db at the 60-Hz notch filter to remove line frequency noise); the sensitivity range was 0.01 to 1000 microvolts.

To measure baseline Zygomaticus major muscle action, participants watched a neutral video of a screen saver depicting colored lines on a black background for five minutes (Rottenberg, Ray, & Gross, 2007). The terminal two minutes were used to calculate the mean baseline activity. Baseline EMG was only nerveless one time, at the beginning of the session. Prune types (control vs. inappropriate) were presented in a random order (non in blocks). In order to make comparisons between different age groups, we computed Z-scores for our EMG measure by subtracting the mean baseline action and normalizing it using the baseline standard difference (van Boxtel, 2010). This method of normalizing the data has been used when comparing different age groups on physiological measures (Shiota & Levenson, 2009). Average Zygomaticus major activity was computed for the seven inappropriate clips and the seven command clips.

Sense of humour Mode

Individual differences in humor manner were assessed with the 32-item Sense of humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin et al., 2003). Participants indicated the degree to which each statement described their humour style on a 7 point Likert-type scale (1 = totally disagree; 7 = totally concord). The calibration measures four dimensions of humor: affiliative humor, self-enhancing sense of humour, aggressive sense of humour, and self-defeating sense of humor. Affiliative humor is the tendency to share humor with others (reported α = .80; this sample α = .73; sample item is I enjoy making people express mirth). Self-enhancing humour is using humour to cheer oneself up (reported α = .81; this sample α = .52; sample detail is Fifty-fifty when I'yard by myself, I'm often tickled by the absurdities of life). Aggressive humor is using humour to disparage others (reported α = .77; this sample α = .69; sample item is Even if something is actually funny to me, I volition not express joy or joke about it if someone will be offended – opposite-scored). And self-defeating sense of humour is humor at 1's ain expense (reported α = .fourscore; this sample α = .79; I often go overboard in putting myself down when I am making jokes or trying to be funny). Contrary-keyed items were contrary-scored and then the 8 scores for each subscale were summed.


There was no effect of presentation order for whatsoever of the dependent variables, so this factor was excluded from further analysis two .

Social Gaffe Comprehension: Social Appropriateness

Social ceremoniousness ratings past age group are depicted in Figure one. In order to decide whether in that location were age differences in social appropriateness ratings, a 3 (Historic period Group: young, eye-aged, quondam) ten 2 (Clip Blazon: Inappropriate, Control) mixed-model ANOVA was conducted with Clip Type as a within-subjects factor. The primary effect of Historic period Group was significant, F(2, 78) = 10.80, p < .001, ηp ii = .22. Follow-upward comparisons revealed that both immature adults (Chiliad = 49.99, SE = 1.84) and middle-aged adults (M = 46.07, SE = 2.15) rated clips more than socially advisable than older adults (M = 37.98, SE = i.87), ps < .05. There was also a main result of Clip Type in the expected direction, with control clips (Chiliad = 70.52, SE = ane.47) rated as more appropriate than inappropriate clips (M = 18.84, SE = 1.54), F(1, 78) = 675.90, p < .001, ηp 2 = .ninety. The Historic period Group 10 Clip Type interaction was non significant, F(2, 78) = .52, p = .lx, ηp 2 = .01.

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Boilerplate social appropriateness ratings for control and inappropriate clips by age grouping (0 = not at all socially advisable; 100 = entirely socially advisable). Bars are standard errors of the mean.

Results from the thought-listing information revealed that young (M = 79.90%, SE = 3.17) and older adults (K = 84.13%, SE = ii.68%) were equally likely to mention that the inappropriate clips were inappropriate, t(52) = ane.02, p = .31. In that location were also no age differences in the propensity to mention inappropriateness for the command clips (young: M = 19.05%, SE = 2.64%; old: Chiliad = eighteen.52%, SE = 2.62; t(52) = .14, p = .89). There were, all the same, historic period differences in how well participants understood the inappropriate clips, t(52) = 3.30, p = .002, d = .90, with young adults' transcripts (M = 97.88%, SE = .10) suggesting a greater understanding of the inappropriate clips than older adults' (Thousand = 89.42%, SE = 2.36; see Appendix B for examples). For the control clips, in that location were no age differences in agreement (t(52) = i.67, p = .10; Young: Chiliad = 96.30%, SE = i.45; Old: M = 91.53%, SE = ii.44).

Social Gaffe Appreciation: Funniness

Funniness ratings past age group are depicted in Figure 2. In order to determine whether there were age differences in funniness ratings, nosotros conducted a 3 (Age Group) x 2 (Clip Blazon) mixed model ANOVA. The master effect of Age Grouping was significant, F(two, 78) = 7.92, p = .001, ηp 2 = .17. Follow-up comparing revealed that young adults (One thousand = 46.72, SE = 2.66) and centre-aged adults (M = 52.58, SE = 3.11) rated the clips as funnier than older adults (M = 36.67, SE = ii.71). There was also a chief upshot of Clip Type, with inappropriate clips (Chiliad = 53.95, SE = 1.89) rated as funnier than control clips (G = 36.70, SE = 1.71), F(1, 78) = 127.20, p < .001, ηp 2 = .62. Notwithstanding, these main effects were qualified past a significant Historic period Group ten Clip Type interaction, F(2, 78) = xiv.65, p < .001, ηp 2 = .27. Follow-up ANOVAs separately by clip type revealed that there were no age differences in the funniness ratings for the command clips, F(ii, 78) = 1.94, p =.15, ηp 2 = .05, but young adults (One thousand = 58.67, SE = 3.08) and middle-anile adults (Yard = 63.51, SE = 3.sixty) rated the inappropriate clips equally significantly funnier than older adults (One thousand = 39.67, SE = 3.thirteen), F(2, 78) = 15.02, p < .001, ηp two = .28.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nihms597802f2.jpg

Average funniness ratings for control and inappropriate clips by age grouping (0 = not at all funny; 100 = extremely funny). Confined are standard errors of the mean.

The smiling count data were submitted to a ii (Historic period Grouping) ten 2 (Prune Type) mixed-model ANOVA. None of the effects or interactions reached significance. Although the interaction failed to reach significance, because we hypothesized a priori that young adults would smile more than older adults during the inappropriate clips, we conducted planned comparisons to test for this difference. Results from planned comparisons of the coding of smiles was consistent with the funniness ratings, with young adults (K = .89, SD = .52) smiling more during the inappropriate clips than older adults (K = .63, SD = .33), t(42.78) = ii.xiv, p = .038, d = .60.

To determine whether there were age differences in EMG activity over Zygomaticus major, we conducted a 3 (Age Grouping) x 2 (Clip Type) mixed-model ANOVA. The chief effect of Age Group was significant, F(ii, 69) = 12.37, p < .001, ηp 2 = .26, with middle-aged adults (M = 13.55, SE = 1.63) exhibiting greater Zygomaticus major activity than young adults (Yard = 3.48, SE = 1.23) and older adults (K = half-dozen.12, SE = i.23), psouth < .05. Equally expected, smile muscle activeness was greater during inappropriate clip viewing (M = eight.xi, SE = .lxxx) than command clip viewing (Chiliad = vii.32, SE = .82), F(i, 69) = 5.70, p = .020, ηp 2 = .08 (see Figure iii). The Historic period Grouping x Clip Type interaction was not meaning.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nihms597802f3.jpg

Average Zygomaticus major activity during inappropriate and command clips past age group. Bars are standard errors of the mean.

Humor Styles

To make up one's mind whether in that location were age differences in the four subscales of the Sense of humor Styles Questionnaire, we conducted a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). We observed a multivariate significance for Age Group (Wilk's λ = .48, F(8, 122) = 6.71, p < .001, ηp 2 = .31. All four scales exhibited historic period differences. Middle-aged adults (Grand = 47.27, SE = 1.73) endorsed affiliative humor to a greater extent than older adults (M = 40.27, SE = 1.73), F(2, 64) = 5.l, p = .006, ηp ii = .fifteen. Heart-aged adults (M = twoscore.87, SE = ane.55) were more likely than immature adults (M = 34.76, SE = 1.xx) to endorse self-enhancing sense of humor styles, F(2, 64) = 5.00, p = .01, ηp two = .14. Young adults (M = 29.44, SE = one.430) were more likely than middle-aged (M = 20.27, SE = ane.68) and older adults (Thou = 21.00, SE = 1.25) to endorse aggressive sense of humor styles, F(2, 64) = 14.12, p < .001, ηp 2 = .31. And young adults (M = 30.40, SE = 1.70) endorsed self-defeating sense of humor styles more than than older adults (M = 22.70, SE = 1.764), F(2, 64) = five.43, p = .007, ηp ii = .xv.

Associations with Appropriateness Ratings

We conducted Pearson product-moment correlations separately past age group for social ceremoniousness ratings, funniness ratings, and humor styles (run into Table iv). Consequent with our hypothesis, greater aggressive humor styles were associated with higher ratings of appropriateness for inappropriate clips, for middle-aged (r = .59, p < .05) and older adults (r = .57, p < .001) but not young adults (r = .29, p = .sixteen).

Table four

Intercorrelations Among Ceremoniousness Ratings, Funniness Ratings, and Sense of humor Styles past Age Group

i two 3 4 5 6 seven 8
Immature Adults (N = 25–xxx)

1 Appropriateness Inappropriate Clips 1.00
two Appropriateness Control Clips .37* 1.00
3 Funniness Inappropriate Clips .42* .15 1.00
4 Funniness Control Clips .40* -.03 .65** i.00
5 Affiliative Sense of humour -.14 .25 .20 .39 1.00
6 Self-Enhancing Sense of humour .11 .32 -.02 .29 .45* 1.00
7 Ambitious Sense of humor .29 .06 .25 .02 -.11 .14 1.00
8 Self-Defeating Humor .24 .x .24 .08 .07 .11 .05 1.00

Eye Aged Adults (N = fifteen–22) 1 2 3 iv five 6 seven 8

ane Appropriateness Inappropriate Clips 1.00
ii Appropriateness Command Clips .13 1.00
iii Funniness Inappropriate Clips .16 .26 one.00
4 Funniness Control Clips -.15 .07 .73** i.00
v Affiliative Sense of humour -.22 .15 .39 .46 ane.00
6 Cocky-Enhancing Humor .36 .10 .26 .25 .07 1.00
7 Aggressive Sense of humor .59* .17 -.02 -.20 -.12 .47 i.00
8 Self-Defeating Sense of humor .xix -.26 .18 .43 .05 .48 .58* 1.00

Older Adults (Northward = 27–29) i 2 3 iv 5 vi 7 8

one Appropriateness Inappropriate Clips 1.00
2 Appropriateness Control Clips -.06 i.00
3 Funniness Inappropriate Clips .38* .31 1.00
four Funniness Control Clips .47** .05 .57** one.00
five Affiliative Sense of humor -.17 .06 -.ten -.10 i.00
6 Self-Enhancing Humor .07 -.17 -.xviii -.03 .21 1.00
vii Aggressive Humor .57** -.01 .27 .xl* -.07 .03 1.00
8 Self-Defeating Sense of humour .43* .03 .28 .27 .08 .14 .62** 1.00

To make up one's mind whether age-related differences in social appropriateness ratings can be accounted for past private differences in sense of humor way, we input the centered age group variable and the centered aggressive humor style scores every bit predictors of social appropriateness ratings for the inappropriate clips. Increasing age was significantly related to lower ratings of social appropriateness for inappropriate clips, β = -.37, p < .001. Increasing historic period was related to lower endorsement of the aggressive humor style on the HSQ, β = -.46, p < .001. When age and aggressive sense of humour style were both added as predictors of social appropriateness ratings of inappropriate clips, greater endorsement of aggressive humor styles was significantly related to greater ratings of ceremoniousness for the inappropriate clips, β = .47, p < .001, and age group was no longer a meaning predictor, β = −.13, p = .29. The Sobel test confirmed mediation, z = −ii.93, p = .003 (meet Figure four). Based on the squared semipartial correlation, ambitious humor style accounted for 18% of the historic period-related variance in appropriateness ratings of inappropriate clips.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is nihms597802f4.jpg

Regression model depicting ambitious humor scores mediating the relationship between age group and social appropriateness ratings of inappropriate clips. Values presented are standardized regression weights; **p < .001.

We likewise tested whether funniness ratings for inappropriate clips, thought-listing data for understanding of inappropriate clips, or short-term retentiveness span using the digit symbol job could business relationship for age-related differences in ceremoniousness ratings for inappropriate clips. None of these measures significantly mediated the human relationship. Furthermore, when thought-listing data for understanding of the inappropriate clips was added to the mediated regression model with historic period group, aggressive humor styles, and proportion inappropriate clips understood as predictors (centered) and social appropriateness ratings for the inappropriate clips equally the dependent variable, only aggressive humor style was a significant predictor, β = .43, p = .005. This suggests that aggressive humour styles withal accounts for the historic period-related variance in social ceremoniousness ratings for inappropriate clips, while a lack of understanding, β = -.01, p = .925, or theory of mind, cannot business relationship for such age differences.


This study built on previous findings that emotion recognition abilities impair social gaffe bigotry in later adulthood by extending the picture to include a diverse set up of clips that appeal to various historic period groups, including a middle-aged sample, and testing whether age differences in sense of humour way preferences account for age differences in judgments of inappropriate beliefs. In this study, we replicated the Halberstadt and colleagues' (2011) finding that there are age differences in social appropriateness ratings; but in the present report older adults rated both clip types as less advisable than young adults. We establish that the age differences in the social ceremoniousness ratings for the inappropriate clips were mediated by age differences in preferences for an aggressive humor style. Consistent with our expectations, the funniness ratings highlighted age differences, with young and centre-aged adults exhibiting a greater departure betwixt the ii prune types than older adults. Additionally, young adults smiled more during the inappropriate clips than older adults, relative to the control clips. Young adults were more than likely to endorse aggressive and self-defeating sense of humour styles than older adults, and aggressive sense of humour style was positively related to rating inappropriate clips as more advisable. Overall, we found that older adults were less likely to endorse an aggressive humor style and did not find the inappropriate clips as funny as immature and eye-aged adults. These findings suggest that older adults may be less probable to savour humor at the expense of others.

We translate these findings from a social cerebral perspective. In addition to understanding the abilities – or lack thereof – that are required to understand that a social gaffe has occurred, these results suggest that it is likewise important to call back about the context of age differences in social acceptability judgments. Interestingly, the degree to which inappropriate clips were rated as inappropriate was related to how much an private enjoys aggressive humour, suggesting that, consequent with past work (Goel & Dolan, 2007), sense of humour style preferences can shape judgments nigh social acceptability. Information technology appears that older adults appreciate different sense of humor styles (e.yard., self-enhancing) than young and heart-anile adults (east.g., aggressive). Interestingly, the largest age difference in funniness ratings was for the clip from The Office, which was most consequent with an aggressive sense of humor style. The types of humor an individual finds appealing may be adaptive for his or her life stage. Older adults report experiencing the types of humor (eastward.g., affiliative) in their daily lives that are adaptive for coping with the losses that accompany crumbling (Damianakis & Marziali, 2011).

The strengths of this work include broadening the stimuli types and thus broadening the types of perception studied, and the multi-method approach (eastward.g., self-report ratings, facial EMG, thought-listing, video of smiles). Nigh of these measures converged on the same story: young, middle-aged, and older adults were able to observe social gaffes in this diverse fix of clips merely older adults find inappropriate social beliefs less funny than young and middle-anile adults. Furthermore, it is encouraging that the funniness ratings were consequent with the smiles information, supporting the thought that age differences in sense of humour processing styles occur online and are not only an artifact of differential retentiveness or self-report biases by historic period group. Only the EMG information did not prove this pattern of historic period differences. Interestingly, consistent with past findings that older adults may accept reduced comprehension of social gaffes, our thought-listing job revealed reduced understanding among older adults only of the inappropriate clips (but not the command clips). Clearly, it is important to study both the ways in which older adults are limited in their ability to comprehend social gaffes and the ways in which age-related differences in preferences may influence social judgments.

This study had several limitations. Get-go, we collected the data for the middle-anile adults at a different time and did not collect smile data or thought-listing for this group. Future work should test heart-aged adults on these measures too, to provide a more comprehensive motion picture of how individuals in middle machismo make social judgments about inappropriate beliefs. Second, we did not remove extraneous EMG artifacts past viewing the EMG recording for each participant. This may have limited the reliability of these information and could explain why the EMG information were non entirely consistent with the smiles coding data. However, it could as well be that the EMG was picking upwards on facial activity that could not exist observed in the videos of facial expressions. Third, this written report was too express by a cross-sectional design. All studies on historic period differences in sense of humor processing to date have used cross-sectional/correlational designs, which leaves open up the question of whether age differences are due to cohort effects or something developmental (Greengross, 2013). We cannot dominion out the possibility that age differences in humour appreciation are due to accomplice furnishings. The construct of humor is something that does change across generations. For example, humor is related to the disposition of openness to experience and there may be generational differences in openness. Indeed, by piece of work has institute that age differences in humor appreciation are strongly related to historic period differences in conservatism (Ruch, McGhee, & Hehl, 1990). Time to come work should investigate humor processing styles in a longitudinal sample. It would also be interesting to investigate whether personality factors (eastward.g., openness to experience (e.thousand., McCrae & Costa, 2003) relate to humor way preferences. A quaternary limitation is that we performed a arbitration assay using cross-sectional data. This blazon of assay cannot make conclusions nearly developmental mechanisms or causal effect (Lindenberger, von Oertzen, Ghisletta, & Hertzog, 2011). However, the pattern of relationships between age, humor fashion, and ratings of social behavior are still interesting.


This study suggests that judgments nigh the appropriateness of social behavior are influenced past how much the humor aligns with i's sense of humour style preferences. Older adults are less probable than young and eye-anile adults to enjoy the type of humor that is featured in state of affairs comedies: aggressive humor. This study shows that age differences in humour styles are related to historic period differences in social judgments. One clear implication of this work for the study of social perception and crumbling is that it is important to understand both what older adults tin can perceive (ability) versus how they evaluate it and what they prefer.



This research was supported by the National Institute on Crumbling [grant numbers T32 AG-00204, R01AG-026323].

Nosotros would similar to thank Sophie E. Ortel and David Y. Yanishevski for coding the data. Nosotros are too grateful to Julia Harris and Stacy Marcotte for assistance with collecting data.

Appendix A: Description of Clips

Proper noun of Clip Description Elapsing
Inappropriate Clips
Mr. Bean Bus Terminate Mr. Bean wants to exist first in line for the jitney, merely there is a blind man in his way. He plays tricks on
this man to try to get him to move so that he tin be kickoff in line.
1 min 53 sec
Mr. Bean Checking In Mr. Bean checks into a hotel. He tries to beat a man who checked in at the same time as him to his
room, and presses all of the lift buttons. His behaviors could accurately be described as childish,
immature, or unnecessary.
2 min 48 sec
The Office Michael
Rude to Phyllis
Michael makes an insulting comment toward ane of his coworkers, Phyllis. He does not want her
cheerleading. He tries to embrace upwardly his rude comment, but information technology is clear Phyllis is offended.
28 sec
CYE Stolen Ticket Larry is at the aerodrome and cannot find his ticket. First, he tries to cut in line to talk to the airdrome staff
member. Then, he accuses a random man of stealing his ticket, just to take the man show him that
the name on the ticket was his own and that it was a bereavement ticket.
2 min 22 sec
Larry wants to discover out how much of a tip his friend gave at their previous luncheon. He asks the waiter several
probing questions to try to get him to respond, even though the waiter tells him that he is
uncomfortable with the state of affairs.
two min 59 sec
Aureate Girls Condom The girls are in a store and make up one's mind to buy condoms. They try to exercise so discreetly, just the store keeper
makes an announcement over the speaker organization asking for a toll check. The girls look very
uncomfortable and embarrassed by the shop keeper's actions.
one min 31 sec
Golden Girls Pearls Dorothy asks for assistance in deciding which necklace to wear. In an attempt to prove to each other their
way sense, Blanche and Rose debate which 1 she should vesture. This leads to both of them
making insulting comments to Dorothy about her advent.
1 min 36 sec

Control Clips
Mr. Bean Haircut Mr. Edible bean walks into a hair salon to get a haircut and begins looking at pictures of haircuts on the wall
to determine which one he should go.
55 sec
Mr. Bean Morning Mr. Bean gets up in the forenoon and goes near his morn routine of waking upwardly and shaving. while
he is a little quirky as always and elicits a few laughs from the phase crowd, he does not do annihilation
socially inappropriate in this scene.
1 min v sec
Mike & Molly
Molly has a discussion with her beau outside of his apartment. They discuss their relationship
and how they both felt it might exist moving too fast. Information technology is a serious talk about their human relationship, but
aught dramatic or negative occurs.
1 min 24 sec
CYE Country Club Larry and his girlfriend attend an interview for membership to a country club. They say things that
they believe will print the interviewers and they appear to be trying very hard to be on their best
one min 43 sec
CYE Smoke Detector The smoke detector goes off while Larry is in bed. He gets up to check on the source of the dissonance. 1 min 22 sec
Golden Girls Dishes The girls talk about how their dishwasher is broken. Blanche complains nearly washing dishes by mitt
and the others point out that in previous times that was the only way to clean dishes.
1 min 15 sec
Golden Girls
Dorothy is moving out and leaving her friends. They have a tearful chat and hug goodbye. 3 min 38 sec

Appendix B: Idea Listing Coding Scheme: Coding for Understanding of Clips

Clip Code Description Example
Inappropriate Clips

Mr. Bean Bus
Blind A "aye" in this category mentions that there is a blind man in
the scene that Mr. Bean is interacting with.
There was this blind guy and
Start in line/have someone's
A "yes" in this category mentions that the bullheaded man is first
in line and Mr. Edible bean is playing tricks on him to take his
The blind guy was first in line and
Mr. Bean was trying to take his
Not let on the bus A "yes" in this category mentions that at the end of the prune
Mr. Bean does not get let on the bus.
The commuter didn't let Mr. Bean on
the motorcoach at the cease.

Mr. Edible bean
Checking In
Cheque-in A "yes" in this category mentions Mr. Bean was ringing the
bong and interim silly or immature while checking in to the
hotel. This can include the incident with moving his car,
forgetting he was British, leaving his bag, or trying to cover
his paper similar he was taking a test.
Mr. Bean was acting like a little
kid and kept ringing the bell.
Hotel A "yes" in this category mentions Mr. Bean was in a hotel. Mr. Bean was in the hotel and
Racing/Beat the other
A "yes" in this category mentions Mr. Bean was trying to
race the other grapheme even though he was not amused by
Mr. Bean's antics.
Mr. Bean kept trying to get the
other guy to race him and kept
stopping his elevator.

The Office
Michael Rude
to Phyllis
Mean/Rude/Insulting A "yes" in this category mentions that the master character,
Michael, did or said something to insult Phyllis. This
especially includes if the participant mentions that Michael
said "yuck".
Michael was very rude when
he said "yuck" to the idea of
Taking back insult/trying to
be nice
A "yes in this category mentions that Michael tries to be
nice. This includes offering Phyllis to exist either an alternating
or on the squad.
Michael told the lady she could
be on the team after
Not accepting of
A "yes" in this category mentions that the other 2
characters did not believe or accept Michael's attempt at
recovering from his insult to Phyllis.
The others stared at him and were
still mad about the insult he

CYE Stolen
Stole plane ticket A "yes" in this category mentions that Larry and Cheryl
believe their plane tickets were stolen.
The couple thinks somebody took
their airplane tickets
Accuse/face A "yes" in this category mentions that Larry accuses a human being
of stealing his ticket.
Larry accuses a man of stealing
his tickets from his office.
Mistaken/wrong A "yes" in this category mentions that Larry was wrong
about the man stealing his tickets.
The guy shows Larry the ticket
and his name wasn't on it

Waiter uncomfortable A "yeah" in this category mentions Larry was making the
waiter uncomfortable.
Larry was harassing the waiter
Friend'south tip amount A "yes" in this category mentions that Larry was trying to
observe out what his friend left for a tip the day before.
Larry was harassing the waiter to
detect out his friend's tip from the
day earlier
Upset/Aroused A "yes" in this category mentions that Larry was angry
when he found out what the tip amount was.
Larry was upset when he found
out how much his friend left for a

Golden Girls
Condoms A "yes" in this category mentions that the ladies were
ownership condoms or an embarrassing item.
The three ladies wanted to buy
the condoms discreetly but
Announcement/ Loudspeaker/ Microphone A "yes" in this category mentions the store clerk announces on
the loudspeaker that the ladies are ownership condoms.
The guy behind the counter asked
for a cost check for the condoms
on the loudspeaker

Gilded Girls
Rude/Disquisitional/Offensive A "yep" in this category mentions that Blanche was being rude to Rose or they were both being
rude to Dorothy.
First Blanche was being hateful to
Rose and they both of them turned
on Dorothy.

Concrete Advent/Trunk A "yeah" in this category mentions that Rose and Blanche
were insulting Dorothy's concrete advent in an attempt
to prove they had mode sense.
They were talking about her
turkey cervix and flat tire because

Fashion A "yeah" in this category mentions either Blanche running for
Fashion testify chair or that both Rose and Blanche were
asked for fashion advice.
Blanche said that Rose could not
run for Fashion Chair because

Control Clips

Mr. Bean
Barbershop/Hair salon A "yeah" in this category mentions Mr. Bean was at a barber
shop. This tests the participant'south general understanding of
the scene.
Mr. Bean walked into a barber
shop and
Haircut A "aye" in this category mentions that Mr. Bean is looking
at pictures of different hairstyles. This includes the hairdresser
asking Mr. Edible bean if he has decided on a hairstyle yet.
Mr. Edible bean was looking at different
hairstyles and the barber asked
him if he was ready.
Serenity A "yeah" in this category mentions Mr. Bean was being tranquillity
in the barber shop.
Mr. Bean was actually quiet when
he walked
Bad-mannered noises A "aye" in this category mentions Mr. Bean answered the
barber'south question with strange noises.
Mr. Edible bean answered the barber
with some weird noises.

Mr. Bean
Waking up A "yeah" in this category mentions Mr. Bean is waking up
and getting out of bed. This tests the participant'southward general
understanding of the scene.
Mr. Bean got up in the morning
Disoriented/running into
A "yes" in this category mentions Mr. Edible bean is disoriented,
and runs into the wall subsequently he wakes upward.
Mr. Bean runs into the wall and
you can tell he is not really
Forenoon routine/stretches A "aye" in this category mentions Mr. Bean is doing his
morning routine. This includes opening the curtain, putting
on his slippers, and shaving.
Mr. Edible bean opened the curtain and
started shaving.

Mike & Molly Hallway Fellow A "yes" in this category mentions that Molly came to see her
boyfriend, Mike.
The girl came to talk to her
Schoolhouse A "aye" in this category mentions that Mike showed up at
Molly'due south schoolhouse to endeavor and surprise her.
The guy showed upwards to her schoolhouse
and he was embarrassed but she
Human relationship A "yes" in this category mentions the couple was talking
about their human relationship. This includes they wanted to "accept
things slow".
They were talking about how their
relationship may have been going
too fast and they should take it

CYE Land
Lying/Fake/Doubtful A "aye" in this category mentions that Larry and Cheryl are
both trying to print/prevarication to the interviewers.
Larry and his wife were both
making upwardly stories near how they
Country Club A "aye" in this category mentions that Larry and Cheryl
were at a state club.
he couple was at a state lodge
Interviewed/Accepted A "yes" in this category mentions Larry and Cheryl are
being interviewed past two members of the state club nigh
how they met and their interests.
The 2 guys behind the desk
were asking the couple about
what they do for fun and how they

CYE Smoke
Smoke alarm A "yes" in this category mentions that a smoke alarm went
off in the house and Larry and Cheryl were looking for it.
A smoke alert went off and the
two people were looking for information technology
Sleeping/in bed A "yep" in this category mentions that Larry and Cheryl
woke upward to the smoke alarm while lying in bed.
The couple was sleeping when

Gold Girls
Dishwasher cleaved/fix A "yes" in this category mentions the dishwasher is broken. The dishwasher was broken in the
house and
Doing dishes past hand A "yep" in this category mentions that the characters were
talking about doing the dishes by hand.
Dorothy said when they were
younger they had to practise all the
dishes by paw
Happy memories A "yes" in this category mentions that Rose was talking
about happy memories she had while doing dishes. This
category also mentions that Sophia was getting frustrated
with Rose always existence happy.
Rose was talking about existence
happy all the time

Golden Girls
Living together/ long
A "yeah" in this category mentions the ladies lived together
for an extended period of time.
They all lived together for seven
years and now ane of them is
leaving for expert
Cheerio/leaving A "yes" in this category mentions an extended good day.
This also includes that Dorothy is leaving.
They were all saying a big
farewell to each other and
appreciated their friendship.
Distressing/Upset A "yep" in this category mentions the emotion or sadness
regarding Dorothy leaving. This can include reminiscing
about their happy memories.
They were all crying when she left


Portions of this paper were presented at the Cerebral Aging Briefing, Atlanta, GA, 2012 and the almanac meeting for the Society for Psychophysiological Enquiry, New Orleans, LA, 2012.

aneSome of the measures were missing data, reducing the participant sample size for some analyses. First, thought-listing and smiling data were not nerveless for heart-aged adults, so analyses on these measures is a comparing of young versus older adults. For the thought-list information, 3 young adults and 2 older adults were missing videos due to technical failure, leaving 27 young adults and 27 older adults with idea-listing data. Videos of facial expressions were missing for 4 young adults and 5 older adults due to technical failure or experimenter error. This left 26 immature adults and 24 older adults with videos to code for smiles. EMG data for 2 immature adults and 1 older developed were missing due to technical failure, leaving 28 immature adults and 28 older adults for analysis. Six middle-aged participants' EMG data was excluded considering they were extreme outliers (i.east., more four standard deviations from the hateful); this left 16 middle-aged adults for the EMG analysis. Five young adults, vii middle-anile adults, and 2 older adults were missing information for the HSQ, leaving 25 young adults, xv center-aged adults, and 27 older adults for analysis on the HSQ.

2All analyses were originally conducted with sex every bit a factor, merely no effects were found. Thus, information technology was excluded from further consideration.

Contributor Information

Jennifer Tehan Stanley, Department of Psychology at the Academy of Akron.

Monika Lohani, Department of Psychology at Brandeis University.

Derek K. Isaacowitz, Section of Psychology at Northeastern University.


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